Saturday, June 18, 2011

Crazy thunderstorm last weekend

Big news in Indy! We had another crazy thunderstorm last weekend. This one actually happened in the middle of the night on Friday. This one, however, was probably the biggest one and more damaging than the previous ones I have experienced. First, it caused one of our neighborhood's houses tree branches to fall off and block the front entrance of the house (see pictures below).

Second, it decreased some productivity at my workplace. I normally like to go to work early so that I can come home early. On Monday morning, I went to work early as usual, but I noticed that my access card did not work. Luckily, someone had already propped open one of the doors with a trash can. Of course, when I got in, I could not access my e-mail or the company server. There were two other people in my department who were early birds, so we all started chatting because there was nothing else we could do. The IT department did not get in until an hour later. We later learned that the storm had impaired our security system as well as our servers. The backup generator did not help, either, so it was a very big mess.

Anyway, it turned out fine in the end. I just hope that our systems are revamped and is protected from another big storm such as this one.

Tree branch that fell at a neighborhood home

This is the damage that big storms in Indiana can cause

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