Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bug season again!

Well, it is very warm around Indy right now. This whole week, temperatures were around the high 70's to low 80's (25-30 C). It was all hot and muggy, which means that it is also the season that the bugs like to come out. I really hate bugs..well, more scared of them actually. Now, there are some bugs that I don't mind. Ladybugs, for example. They are actually kind of cute. It's kind of sad that they are very short-lived. They often come in our house during the winter and die.

Another bug that we often find are these furry brown bugs that look a little bit like caterpillar-silverfish cross. I just found out by Googling that these bugs are called Firebrats. They are a real nuisance as oftentimes, they pop out of nowhere and scurry along. I have never seen these except for in Indiana.

Finally, there are bugs called cicada killers that often come out in June and are gone by August. They burrow themselves in your yard and fly out and start buzzing annoyingly. They, of course, got their names because they actually prey on cicadas.

The bugs I have mentioned are generally harmless. Hopefully, we will not get the dangerous ones, such as bees and wasps.

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