Thursday, November 24, 2011

Give Gleefully Update!

It is almost the end of the competition. Only a couple more days to go! Please help to VOTE DAILY for our video!

Thanks in advance for your continued support!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Give Gleefully Update!

We are now literally head to head with our competitor! We need your help again! Please vote daily!  

Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Give Gleefully Update!

We are now down by 120 votes! Our competition is definitely relentless and will stop at nothing until they win! They have over 10,000 employees in their company, so we need more outside votes to help us! Remember it's for a good cause!

Thanks in advance for your support!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Giving Gleefully part quatre!

We're only 14 votes behind and we can finally catch up! We need your votes!
Thanks in advance for all of your support!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Giving Gleefully part trois!

Here's an update! It is November 5, and day 5 of the competition! Our competitor is a company with over 10,000 employees, and will be very hard to beat! We need all the help that we can get in terms of votes and donations! This includes weekend voting!

Thanks for those who have supported us in our cause! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Giving Gleefully part deux!

 Today is day 2 of the competition. It's for a great cause and we really need your help! :)